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Aug. 21 2024
Fixing small issues around the farm makes a big difference to how we operate
April 23 2024
ADA North East created the Virtual Farm Tour program to bring the farm to the classroom to help build trust in dairy
Feb. 16 2024
On our farm, we are always evolving, and in the near future, that includes the way cow traffic will flow through our freestall barn
Jan. 24 2024
Sometimes going back to the basics of good care is just what animals need
Jan. 12 2024
It is common for producers to experience lower butterfat tests and higher numbers of butterfat inversions this time of year
Dec. 8 2023
From their spots to their behaviors, no two cows are alike
Dec. 8 2023
Just over five years ago, Hancock took control of the breeding program at Prairie View Dairy in Muleshoe, Texas. He found that changes needed to be made — fast
Nov. 16 2023
Here are a few tips I’ve learned about discussing dairy farming
Nov. 9 2023
Just over five years ago, Hancock took control of the breeding program at Prairie View Dairy in Muleshoe, Texas. He found that changes needed to be made — fast
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Oct. 24 2023
My niece stopped by for a school project last week. They were talking about “big digit problems” in math and looking at real-life examples where lots of numbers come into play
Mon- Post sec Kaskaskia
Oct. 2 2023
When it came down to the end of the Post-Secondary Dairy Judging Contest on Sunday night, there was little suspense as to who the overall champion would be
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June 30 2023
One of the coolest aspects of being part of a dairy farm is walking into a store — whether it’s a retailer or an on-farm shop — and seeing your milk bottled or made into other dairy products...
May 12 2023
I know they are a weed, but I still think dandelions are pretty
Feb. 16 2023
For the past few weeks, we have been keeping our eye on one amazing cow that has far exceeded our production expectations
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Feb. 7 2023
Sometimes the numbers tell a different story than what we tell ourselves
Nov. 7 2022
From people to cows, no one likes to be overcrowded, so the goal is to put up facilities that will meet today and tomorrow’s needs
4-H Team
Oct. 2 2022
The 100th National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest culminates tonight with the announcement of the results
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June 29 2022
The standards we know best can sometimes be just what’s needed to solve a problem
June 9 2022
“If you build it, they will come.” That line comes from the movie “Field of Dreams,” where a baseball diamond was constructed in the middle of an Iowa cornfield
March 17 2022
There are some things in life that are just ridiculously satisfying. You may have seen those videos on social media where something so simple is strangely pleasing to watch